The new revolution is there

At first the man developed a language.

Then he learned to write.

After few centuries he understood how to print books.

Today everything is accessible to anyone, we are building a collective intelligence!

The technology is modifying all behaviors more than we can believe ourselves. Having all the knowledge at our fingertips, having all locations at home few coordinates away, and connecting with anyone instantaneously dramatically reduce our space to … ourselves.


Our industries and the current culture from the 70ties are based on getting there, spending money here, creating a need and using advertising to enable every one to show his difference. There is no reason anymore to buy a new product to show our uniqueness, it can be bought by anyone, or to buy another product made in China, you can print it at home. Our new world makes everything accessible to anyone. We today need to express our identity in different ways. The world space is becoming virtual and shrinks to nothing. We had to work to travel, spend money and differentiate ourselves. We have now to think because our new world is immaterial and cost almost nothing. We don’t need our body anymore to be productive, only our minds.

What will happen to our brain if we can access the information we want right away? We don’t need to retain information, we can ask for it. We don’t need to gather knowledge, any field is made available to all, from the beginner level to the most experienced aim. Our brain is free of work and free rolling. It will become creative because the mankind is curious.

Bird flock

And because most of our production will become immaterial, our conscientiousness will make a huge leapfrog. We will develop an agility at understanding the others without communicating verbally. Most will be said through body and telepathy. We will listen to the animal which is living in ourselves. We will be like these birds in flocks. We will all build our uniqueness, not as individual, but as a community. We will get back to our roots: our animality with a touch of self-awareness, to be one among the many and the many as a part of the One.

We are not yet there, but it is coming very fast. Watch out, it will be very nice.

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