
Living like a pendulum

Nothing is permanent. Like a pendulum our lives are oscillating between two high points. We are existing because at one extreme of the swing we act while when reaching the other end we receive a feedback from others, the reaction. And from cradle to grave, this back and forth movement never stops.

Our actions have an impact on our environment. We leave a footprint behind us. The perception of these acts by the people surrounding us will influence us in return and will either strengthen or undermine our convictions and believes. All the way during the swing we observe, analyse, internalize, plan, decide. This is a digestion period. Things are internalized.

In the pendulum swing, beside the two extreme points (the action and the reaction) we have another singular location: the zero position, the equilibrium point. This is the introspection moment, a short period when we can be deeply rooted to our self.

If the two extremes of the pendulum course are occupied by our actions and the reactions from the others, then the equilibrium point can be represented by the meditation.


This is the time when we can either assess our convictions to make sure our next action will be in line with our deeply rooted desires, or a time of mindfulness and serenity after having performed a deliberate act.

This is the moment when we can live the silence, in between two events. The time of zeroing ourselves to make space to what we have to discover. The time to let the future blossom. A time to let it go.

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